Go plastic free for a month

Reusable grocery bag with plastic-free items

Launched in 2011, Plastic Free July is a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation and is probably the most well-known of plastic-free months. They have lots of resources on their website to help you be as successful as possible in your challenge.

In the UK, more than 60% of all the plastic we use is ending up in landfill, incinerated, or in our environment and oceans.



  • Free to join!
  • Be part of an online community of passionate individuals
  • Can be tailored to address the plastic in your life
  • Advice can be applied to every month


  • To give the best chance of being successful it's useful to do some research into your plastic use and alternatives before the month starts

Making a difference

On average, the 250 million people who participated in Plastic Free July reduced their household waste and recycling by 23kg per person per year (almost 5%), contributing to a total saving of 825 million kg of plastic waste each year

There are hundreds of other ways to solve plastic pollution

Photo Credit: Sylvie Tittel