Wear clothes made from recycled PET bottles

PET bottles collected out at sea are recovered, recycled and spun into clothing items, helping remove plastic pollution from our oceans while also avoiding the use of virgin materials in the fashion industry.
1 million single use plastic bottles are purchased every minute.
- Help support initiatives to remove marine debris from the ocean
- Products are durable and lightweight, made from resistant materials
- Reduces the use of virgin plastic materials
- Recycled synthetic materials can still shed microfibres in the wash
- There are environmental costs associated with the collection, transportation, and cleaning of PET bottles before they can be recycled
- Can only be recycled once
Making A Difference
Ecoalf has recycled over 120 million plastic bottles into clothing items and accessories – and 10% of the BECAUSE THERE IS NO PLANET B product sales go towards retrieving discarded ghost nets from the oceans.
There are hundreds of other ways to solve plastic pollution