
Use organic baby sleeping bags

Pure Earth Collection sleeping bags are made from 100% natural sustainable fabrics that are organically grown and biodegradable. Using bamboo wadding to provide a practical alternative to the traditional polyester-filled baby sleeping bags, the sleeping bags provide all-season comfort in room temperatures from 13-27°C.

About 35% of the microplastics that end up in the ocean come from washing synthetic textiles.


  • Naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial
  • Bamboo wadding provides thermoregulation
  • Every bag purchased removes 33g of plastic from shores and the ocean


  • More expensive than synthetic alternatives

Making A Difference

The average baby using baby sleeping bags will get through over 6 polyester-fill sleeping bags by the age of 2, while the average baby using a Pure Earth Collection sleeping bag will get through only one bamboo-fill sleeping bag by the age of 2.

There are hundreds of other ways to solve plastic pollution
