
Organise a paddle cleanup

Always wanted to organise a water-based cleanup but not sure where to start? Jump start your work with a comprehensive toolkit produced by Clare Talks Rubbish for British Canoeing’s Clear Access Clear Waters Campaign to plan. Suitable whether you want to use SUP, kayak or canoe.

It is estimated that more than 1000 rivers account for 80% of global annual plastic waste emissions to the ocean.


  • Includes risk assessments, equipment advice and procedures to comply with health and safety
  • Suggests fun games and activities for groups, clubs and schools
  • Provides advice on types of plastic you might find, and how to recycle or repurpose it


  • Paddling equipment is needed
  • Leaders are responsible for making sure everyone has the competence to take part and that you have the relevant experience in the group, including having someone first aid trained

Making A Difference

Over 20.5 million people annually take to the water doing a paddle sport in the UK.

There are hundreds of other ways to solve plastic pollution
