
Use a reusable silicone straw lid

Made from 100% European-grade silicone, the Go Sili's universal straw lid stretches over a wide variety of cups and glasses, helping reduce spillage while also reducing your plastic footprint. It's great for kids, turning any cup in the house into a sippy cup or for drinks on the go.

The UK is set to throwaway a third more takeaway drinks cups and lids by 2030, increasing the amount of single-use plastic ending up in landfill.


  • Turns a range of cup sizes into less-easy-to-spill cups
  • Made from 100% European-grade silicone
  • BPA, BPS, phthalate, PVC and lead free
  • Dishwasher safe


  • Silicone is a synthetic material that contains chemical additives – several official bodies have said it is safe for food-grade use, but there has not been as much research on silicone as plastic

Making A Difference

Using reusable lids and straws helps reduce spillage while also reducing the amount of single-use plastic that ends up in landfill.

There are hundreds of other ways to solve plastic pollution
