Take The Last Plastic Straw Pledge
Make a personal commitment to say "no" to plastic straws! Join Plastic Pollution Coalition's The Last Plastic Straw global movement and inspire others to follow by reaching out to local eateries to change their protocols and offer non-plastic straw options. Individuals and businesses can all take the pledge to help spread the "straw free" message and change local regulations.
In 2017, a study published by Eunomia estimated that approximately 8.5 billion straws were used within the UK fast food market alone
- Pledges are available for individuals, local eateries, schools and businesses
- Disrupts the regular plastic use routine, so individuals may change their long-term behaviour
- Pledge comes with several resources and tools to educate local eateries to change their policies
- Relies on honesty of those taking part to follow through with the pledge
Making A Difference
If 25,000 people to skip the straw at restaurants every time, we can keep 5 million plastic straws out of our ocean and landfills in just one year.
There are hundreds of other ways to solve plastic pollution